Life Architecture
4-part learning series for living an intentional life
Life Architecture is a four-part conversation-based learning workshop. Over these four weeks, participants will reflect, share and implement strategies to help them build a more intentional life.
Living our lives intentionally is a challenge. Many of us are too busy and too caught up in surviving capitalism to find space to think about what we truly want or what we would change, if we could.
By taking this course, you are making that space: we give ourselves the gift of time to work out ways we might move from where we are now in our lives to where we want to be. It invites us to design something for ourselves in a collaborative, supportive learning environment.
These changes are different for each one of us – maybe you want to make changes relating to your work, to relationships and friendships, or activism, or just find more time for yourself and the things you care about most. Life Architecture is full of tools that can be adapted in many ways to design your own plan.
Each session is three hours long (with breaks!), every Friday morning for four weeks in a row, made up of reflection activities, discussions, food for thought and…yes, a little bit of homework.
In designing this learning series, we know that each of us experiences the world differently. We try to be as inclusive, relevant and safe as possible, but we know that this will always be a work in progress. All activities are by consent – you will never be pressured to do something you don’t want to. That said, you will be invited to participate in ways that might stretch and challenge you!
Activities are often interactive and conversation-based, so it is important to have an open, collaborative, and respectful mindset. We are committed to anti-oppression and centring people who might not have access to these kinds of resources due to the many barriers in our society. If the spots fill up, we will prioritise those people.
MODULE 1: Clarify my priorities
Rediscover what’s most important for you with activities to reflect on your values and intentions.
MODULE 2: Imagine my possibilites
Explore options for different parts of your life, and check how well your plans line up with your values and intentions.
MODULE 3: Test out my options
Narrow down your possibilities; learn to use research to test how well your plans may work and what feels right for you.
MODULE 4: Build my action plan
Decide on steps to move from design to reality. Set a plan for the next steps.
Get in touch to book your free discovery call.
It all starts with intention — an intention to build something better for all of us, together.
Maybe you are already deep into your learning about social equity, or maybe you are just starting. Regardless of where you are at, let us find out about your DEI challenges, and then we can co-design a programme that fits your organisational needs.