Social Equity Foundations Workshops
These modules are intended for people of diverse backgrounds, but tend to have more of an emphasis on allyship (showing up for others) and on organisational change.
Systems at Work: Unconscious Bias
In this 3-hour workshop, we will work together to grow our awareness of how unconscious bias — judgments and behaviours toward others that we're not aware of — works through us and the systems in which we operate.
We’ll be digging into questions like these:
What is unconscious bias, and how do I recognise it within myself and in my environment?
What are the consequences of not addressing unconscious bias?
Once I understand my own behaviours, how can I adjust them?
Systems at Work: Intersectionality
In this 3-hour workshop, we'll grow our collective consciousness around intersectionality — the interplay between identity factors such as gender, race, sexuality, dis*abilities, class and many more. We'll discuss how dynamics of power and identity play out in our communities, organisations and societies.
Key topics of conversation:
privilege + marginalisation
cases for caring
Better Ways with Our Words (two parts)
In this 6-hour module which is divided into two 3-hour workshops, we’ll identify common patterns of how bias, dominance and even violence can be conveyed through our language choices, with concrete tips for transforming communication to be more inclusive.
Key topics of conversation:
positioning versus othering
language best practice around six issues
Part 1: Race, Class, Dis*ability
Part 2: Gender, Sexuality. Bodytype
Conscious Communication
In this 3-hour workshop, we’ll explore allyship tools for engaging mindfully with colleagues to build a more inclusive workplace. We’ll learn some frameworks for more effective and empathic interpersonal communication, especially when harm has already happened — whether you are showing up for yourself, for a colleague, or if you are the person who caused harm.
Key topics of conversation:
impact versus intent
impacts of microaggressions
speaking up for yourself
active allyship - showing up for others
when harm happens - how to apologise
Compass: DEI Mission Workshop
In this 3-hour workshop, we’ll build on the foundations of knowledge we’ve built in precious sessions and start to understand the “what” and “why” for our DEI strategy. We’ll establish shared agreements for the ongoing work, and by the end of the workshop we’ll have a draft of a DEI mission statement.
Key topics of conversation:
understanding our status quo
connecting to our motivation
understanding our position
drafting our social equity compass
Social Equity in Daily Work
In this 3-hour workshop, we’ll give a quick overview and practice using practical methods to organise our teams and make decisions in more equitable ways. We'll explore methods and tools for engaging mindfully with collaborators to foster more inclusive spaces.
Key topics of conversation:
small group power dynamics
creating safer spaces for collaboration and discussion
decision-making options
daily considerations
basics of equitable and inclusive facilitation
Designing Equitable Organisations
In this daylong workshop, we’ll learn and try out innovative, multidisciplinary and equitable approaches for tackling equity and inclusion challenges within our organisations.
Key topics of conversation:
the aequa approach for equitable orga design
defining our focus areas
inspiration for this method
Hands-on interactive process:
define the problem
ideate solutions
idea assessment
prototyping ideas
test and learn
Advocating for Social Equity
In this 3-hour workshop, which focuses on so-called individual and systemic advocacy, we’ll learn and practice peer education and persuasion to advocate for more social equity in your team, organisation, industry, scene or other spheres of influence.
Key topics of conversation:
conversation-based advocacy
defining our spheres of influence
mindful advocacy conversations framework
better practices
other ways of advocating
Cultivating Accountability
In this two-hour workshop, which is a follow-up to our other workshops, we’ll learn about the importance of accountability and how we can stay connected to our motivation, let our compass guide us, and keep doing the work of social equity in a sustainable and impactful way.
Key topics of conversation:
framework for transformation
check-in: personal accountability
check-in: organisational accountability
everyday solidarity
Action Teams
For the Action Teams working sessions, we’ll learn and try out innovative, multidisciplinary and equitable approaches for tackling equity and inclusion challenges within our organisations, focusing on specific issues with a multidisciplinary working group. The idea is that by the end of this session the group would have an outline for next steps on the selected topic.
Key topics of conversation:
framework for equitable organisational design
hands-on interactive process:
define the problem
ideate solutions
idea assessment
learning the process to take it forward:
prototyping ideas
test and learn
Get in touch to book your free discovery call.
It all starts with intention — an intention to build something better for all of us, together.
Maybe you are already deep into your learning about social equity, or maybe you are just starting. Regardless of where you are at, let us find out about your DEI challenges, and then we can co-design a programme that fits your organisational needs.